Recently, the OCCS published our latest insights report which quantifies and reviews all of the work that has been carried out by the OCCS. The Annual Report explores the various complaint types and work that…
With the cost of living crises affecting many across the country recent reports have been arriving at the OCCS in regards to refunds for spectacles. In today's blog, we outline your consumer rights into whether…
In today’s article, we share our latest report “Mediation and the New Normal” which reflects on the past 12 months - 2022 - 2023. In the report, we detail and offer an overview of the…
Alcohol Awareness Week runs from 3-9 July and is a UK-wide campaign that is organised by Alcohol Change UK which raises awareness about the potentially damaging effects of drinking too much. In this article, we…
Saturday witnessed Global Wellness Day which was founded in 2012 and was the first global campaign to look at the overall concept of wellness. A big focus of the day looks into how we can…
Today’s article is a result of the ongoing support and collaboration between the OCCS and the GOC where we have assisted in attempting to demystify the FtP process and share learnings from some of the…
In today's article we share the Mytopia Management Guide created by OT. It is estimated that 1 in 3 people in the UK suffer from Mytopia. Commonly referred to as "Short-sightedness" the condition can cause…
The 15th - 21st of May is Mental Health Week 2023. The week provides a safe space for us all to think about mental health, tackle stigma, and find out how we can create a…
How Nockolds and OCCS Helped a Regulator to Achieve the Most Challenging KPI
The 2021/22 annual performance of the General Optical Council (GOC) by the Professional Services Authority (PSA) reveals that the GOC has now become only the third healthcare regulator to pass all 18 standards of good…
You do not need to suffer alone with stress at work, we share a few ideas that you can try to help you manage: Understand more about stress. Recognising the signs of stress and learning…
Need you know that World Health Day is celebrated in April? Held on the 7th of April each year, it is the term for an annual day dedicated to promoting the benefits of good health…