September 7th 2022

The Importance of Eye Health and Examinations

This September witnesses the return of National Eye Health Week by My Vision Matter. Now in its X year, campaign promotes the importance of good eye health and the need for regular eye tests for all. In today’s blog, we look into the initiative and share how you can take part in this worthy and important cause.

Did you know that 2 million people in the UK are living with sight loss, that is severe enough to have a significant impact on their daily lives. Half of this sight loss is avoidable.

A sight test can detect early signs of conditions like glaucoma, which can be treated if found soon enough During a sight test, other health conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure may be detected. For healthy eyes, eat well, don’t smoke and wear eye protection in bright sunlight.

The NHS recommend that most people should get their eyes tested every 2 years. However, you may need an eye test sooner than every 2 years if you are a:

  • are a child wearing glasses
  • have diabetes
  • are aged 40 or over and have a family history of glaucoma
  • are aged 70 or over.

National Eye Health Week was established to communicate the importance of good eye health under the banner, ‘Vision Matters’, and encourages people from every walk of life to take better care of their eyes and have regular sight tests. One way we can look after our vision is through our lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle can contribute to good vision and we share five areas in which you can look after your eyes.


Studies show that what we eat can affect our vision. Antioxidants can help to prevent retinal damage. One anti-oxidant which is hugely beneficial is lutein. Foods recommended for eye health include:

  • Broad leaf greens such as kale and spinach
  • Brightly coloured fruit and veg such as corn, carrots, orange sweet peppers and oranges
  • Oily fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel
  • Broccoli
  • Eggs.

Exercise and eyesight

Lack of exercise contributes significantly to several eye conditions, particularly amongst people aged 60 and over. Exercise may reduce the risk of sight loss from narrowing or hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure and diabetes.


Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to serious health conditions which can have a detrimental effect on your eye health.


After ageing, smoking is the biggest risk factor for developing macular degeneration. Smoking also increases your risk of developing cataract

The sun

Protecting your eyes from the sun is very important and should not be underestimated. Under no circumstances should you ever look at the sun directly. Your sunglasses should have the CE mark on them which ensures that they are giving you the right level of ultraviolet protection.

For more information on about the initiative and to find out how you can get involved, visit the official website via

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