June 19th 2019

OCCS Continual Educational Workshop Feedback

At the OCCS as well as offering a mediation service for optic professionals and the general public we also offer Continuous Educational Training workshops. In today’s news bulletin, we outline what the goal of our CET programs are and share the positive feedback that we have received from attendees.

Our training programmes are designed to assist professionals to ensure that best practice is followed with a focus heavily on client/practitioner relationship. We offer four different training programmes that each follow a similar structure of interactive presentation using redacted case studies to stimulate learning and discussion amongst the participants. The confidential discussions allow staff to build conversations in a relaxed, encouraging and educational environment. The sharing of best practice and upholding of professional standards is paramount to the CET programs and promote knowledge based sharing as a platform for learning, all guided by our dedicated staff.

A recent CET session was held by OCCS Clinical Consultant, Richard Edwards that focused on the topic, ‘De-terrorising the GOC’ held at the Bradford LOC on the 12th of June.

The learning objectives were to:

  • Develop an increased understanding of registrants responsibilities around complaint management and 2016 practice standards;
  • Gain insights into which complaints escalate to become regulatory issues and engagement in understanding acceptance criteria;
  • Understand how to effectively manage complaints to avoid unnecessary escalation of an issue; and
  • Create a simple framework/ methodology to manage consumer complaints effectively at a practice level.

Throughout the training session the structure was built around the following:

  • Create context;
  • Provide suggestions and strategies for implementation;
  • Apply the above into a process.

Throughout the CET event, attendees were encouraged to foster debate and to meet revise insights into their own experiences that could be shared with their peers. The event received positive feedback from those in attendance and highlights included:

  • ‘Fantastic presentation regarding different levels of complaints’
  • ‘Lovely speaker, instead of frightening me to death, made me feel reassured about my job and what I am- thank you!’
  • ‘Good ratio of listening vs conversation/ discussion’

The OCCS would like to thank all who attended the session and for the positive feedback that we received. If you would like to learn more about how the OCCS can support your CET event please contact our team via 0344 800 5071 or enquiries@opticalcomplaints.co.uk.

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