November 7th 2014

OCCS Attends the 212th GOC Council Meeting

On Wednesday 12th November 2014, Jennie Jones and Fiona Spinks of the Optical Consumer Complaints Service (OCCS) attended the 212th meeting of the General Optical Council. Jennie and Fiona presented to Council a summary of the mediation activity of the service over the past 6 months, the transition to Nockolds as the new service provider and initial insight into the issues which can lead to consumer complaints and disputes between patients and opticians. Jennie highlighted to the General Optical Council that the OCCS have been able to help consumers and practitioners to find a resolution in over 96% of the complaints mediated by the team.

Jennie explained that “our approach is to listen to the consumer and the practice to understand what has gone on and to then explore a practical way forward. We spend a lot of time listening and talking to those involved to help diffuse tension to enable progress to be made. We find this is the best way to achieve a resolution which everyone involved can accept ”.

For more details on how the OCCS can help you if you are a consumer or practitioner, please visit

March 4th 2025

Workplace Eye Wellness Month

Highlighting the need for eye health in all job settings, March welcomes Workplace Eye Wellness Month. Drawing attention to the different risks workers face.
March 4th 2025

Save Your Vision Month

Save Your Vision Month in March is a reminder to take a look at what you are doing to protect your eyesight. Here are 5 top tips for protecting your eyesight:
July 2nd 2024

What Optical Professionals Can Learn from the OCCS Annual Report 2023-24

The Optical Consumer Complaints Service (OCCS) Annual Report for 2023-24 provides valuable insights that optical professionals can leverage to improve service delivery and patient satisfaction. Here are key takeaways from the report that can inform…