September 21st 2015

OCCS Appoints Two New Resolution Managers

The Optical Consumer Complaints Service (OCCS) is pleased to announce the appointment of two new Resolution Managers to the team, Sue Clark and Dawn Slocombe. The OCCS mediates all consumer complaints raised by members of the public, patients and optical professionals or practices regulated by the GOC. Nockolds Solicitors deliver the service for the GOC

Before joining OCCS, Sue Clark qualified as a Dispensing Optician and gained over 30 years’ experience in both Practice and Public Relations within the Optical industry. Sue began her career as a Branch Manager in Essex, and was later appointed the Business Development Manager for Dollond & Aitchison. Sue then went on to establish her own strategic PR and marketing agency, along with owning a D& A Franchise in Hampstead North London. Since the sale of her practice and agency, Sue has provided high-level business consultancy to optical practices and other ambitious businesses.

Dawn Slocombe began working in optics over 30 years ago and has worked as an Optical Dispenser and later went on to manage Scrivens Opticians in Hoddesdon before becoming Regional Managers Assistant for the London region which was a role she did for five years overseeing 25 branches and made sure that they hit performance and budgets. Dawn has also resolved customer complaints when a branch manager felt they needed extra assistance. In 2013 she went back into practice as an Optical Advisor where she dispensed all levels of spectacles.

OCCS will be attending the ABDO conference this weekend where Jennie Jones and Richard Edwards will be presenting a session on conflict and complaint resolution. Jennie explains, ‘I am looking forward to meeting practitioners and sharing our experience in terms of complaints resolution in optics, but also providing useful tools and approaches to resolving complaint and conflict”. If you would like to meet the team or discuss a particular issue, then please contact Jennie on

Further details of the OCCS’ presentation can be found here.

March 28th 2025

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