March 31st 2014

Nockolds Appointed Chosen Providers of the OCCS by the GOC

Tuesday 1 April sees Nockolds commencing their tenure as the providers of the Optical Consumer Complaints Service (OCCS). Nockolds will provide a free mediation service to resolve complaints by consumers regarding the services or products supplied by their optician (all those individuals1 and businesses regulated by the General Optical Council). The service is independent and will help a solution be found if the consumer and optician cannot resolve the issues themselves. Nockolds has a vast amount of expertise in resolving both commercial and personal disputes. Coupled with their experience in operating in a regulatory framework, they are ideally placed to deliver the service.

Jennie Jones heads the service and explains: “we are delighted to be delivering this service and look forward to working with consumers and the optical professions in the coming years. Our focus will be on helping find the fair and right solution quickly”.

The service is now open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday on 0344 800 5071. Complaints can also be received via the website
March 4th 2025

Workplace Eye Wellness Month

Highlighting the need for eye health in all job settings, March welcomes Workplace Eye Wellness Month. Drawing attention to the different risks workers face.
March 4th 2025

Save Your Vision Month

Save Your Vision Month in March is a reminder to take a look at what you are doing to protect your eyesight. Here are 5 top tips for protecting your eyesight:
July 2nd 2024

What Optical Professionals Can Learn from the OCCS Annual Report 2023-24

The Optical Consumer Complaints Service (OCCS) Annual Report for 2023-24 provides valuable insights that optical professionals can leverage to improve service delivery and patient satisfaction. Here are key takeaways from the report that can inform…