June 16th 2021

Managing the Expectations of Clients

Central to how the OCCS operates is our belief that open communication and dialogue can not only help to resolve issues but can also help to avoid them.

In today’s blog we look at how open dialogue and communication can assist in managing the expectations of clients.

As an optical professional, now more than ever, there is pressure within work life when managing the expectations of clients. Committed to providing exceptional care, sometimes things may not work out how either party wants. An essential part of any public facing position, interacting and dealing with clients can be difficult. We share our top tips on how to manage client expectations.

Encourage Questions

Visiting an optician can be an intimidating experience for the unfamiliar. Given this heightened sense of the uncertain, encourage your patient to ask questions and create an environment to do so. Clear explanations and non-technical language can also assist the patient in understanding what is happening and what is being proposed.

Maintain Open Communication Channels

More of a practice-wide suggestion, having a responsive team in terms of taking phone calls and replying to emails can assist a client in feeling listened to and that they have the ability to contact the practice when they require clarification. By keeping communication channels open and responding where appropriate can help to keep a client informed and manage their expectations.

Be Empathetic

Empathy allows us to place ourselves in the position of another person and attempt to understand what is going on for them. Through the practice of empathy, it is possible to gain an insight into how the patient may be thinking or feeling and allow you as a practitioner to create a dialogue with the patient thus enabling you to better manage their expectations.

Set Realistic Expectations

One of the most important aspects to consider is the setting of realistic expectations. The old saying ‘it is better to under-promise and over-deliver’ is particularly apt here. By being realistic with your patient and by helping them to understand what the expected outcome of their visit is in real world terms can help their expectations to be in line with what the outcome is expected to be.

For more information on any of our services and how we may be of assistance, contact our friendly team via 0344 800 5071 or email enquiries@opticalcomplaints.co.uk.

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