March 31st 2020

How Will the GOC Continue to Regulate in Light of the Coronavirus

In light of the ongoing situation across both the UK and the wider world, it is important that members of the optical profession keep up to date with the latest changes and guidelines suggested by the GOC.

In today’s news item we have collated information from the GOC relating to the latest updates and links to government and GOC guidance related to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) emergency. On the updates, the GOC states that: ‘In these extraordinary times, we are fortunate that in all four countries of the United Kingdom we have a group of exceptionally well qualified eye care professionals on whom the general public and fellow healthcare professionals can rely. Uncertain times mean that our registrants may be called upon to work at the limits of their scope of practice and vary their practice for protracted periods of time and in challenging circumstances.’

‘In this series of statements we hope to reassure our registrants and the education sector that when they act in good conscience, for the public benefit, exercising professional judgement in all of the circumstances that apply, the GOC will support them.’

The OCCS wishes to express its support to all optical professionals, healthcare professionals and the general public across the world in these difficult and uncertain times. The OCCS is doing our very best to support the GOC during these unprecedented times.

March 28th 2025

Richard Edwards – ‘The Special One’

Richard Edwards joined the OCCS team in 2014 when Nockolds was appointed to deliver the OCCS by the General Optical Council after a strategic introduction at Optrafair in London. Richard has been instrumental in developing…
March 4th 2025

Workplace Eye Wellness Month

Highlighting the need for eye health in all job settings, March welcomes Workplace Eye Wellness Month. Drawing attention to the different risks workers face.
March 4th 2025

Save Your Vision Month

Save Your Vision Month in March is a reminder to take a look at what you are doing to protect your eyesight. Here are 5 top tips for protecting your eyesight: