October 5th 2022

How to Complain Politely

It goes without saying that, generally speaking, society does not like a complainer or being labelled as one. However, when things do not go to plan voicing a complaint here and there ends up becoming all but unavoidable. In today’s blog we look into how to complain constructively that can lead to better outcomes.

Constructive complaints are solution oriented, versus unfiltered rumination on negative experiences. One key differentiator is whether or not there is a solution in mind or if the complainer is receptive to a solution. Complaining for the purpose of resolving a grievance can not only help to solve the issue but has also benefits for mental health as a way to channel needs into actionable outcomes and can lead to positive experiences like self-awareness (mindfulness) and happiness.”

It can make a difference whether you are approaching from unfiltered negativity or if you have a positive overall outlook and are making a specific complaint about an experience that is troubling you. Complaining without potential solutions or the intention of positive outcome fuels further negativity, and is off-putting to those you are complaining to.

Complaining as a means to an (better) end is key. Aside from not having a favourable outcome in mind, venting is also typically the result of holding something that’s been eating away at you for too long and can lead to added aggression and a lack of communication.

To communicate a complaint politely we suggest:

  • Be specific in your complaint
  • Provide a concrete example of the issue at hand
  • Remain calm
  • Be open to listening
  • Likewise, clear communication about the issue is vital
  • Be open to suggestions from the eye care provider whilst understanding what you want to achieve
  • Voice what the solution you wish to achieve is
  • Feelings – discuss the impact that this has had as feelings promote more empathy than just a complaint.

At times, solutions may be difficult to achieve. The OCCS provides a free-to-use mediation service that is impartial. Getting to the heart of the matter, our experienced teams of mediators work to a mutually agreeable outcome for all parties. For more information about how we may be of assistance, contact the OCCS via 0344 800 5071 or email enquiries@opticalcomplaints.co.uk.

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