Consumer contacts the OCCS to discuss the complaint
The OCCS will confirm with the consumer and discuss what has happened and what has been done to try and resolve the complaint so far
The OCCS will also review the complaint to ensure that it is appropriate for the complaint to be mediated by the OCCS
The consumer will need to provide a signed consent form to allow the optician to release their records and any personal information held
We will then speak to the optician and see if the complaint can be resolved immediately
If the complaint cannot be resolved within the practice, and we confirm the complaint does fall within the remit of the OCCS we will ask you to read and sign an Agreement to Mediate. This document confirms the practice and the OCCS have the consumer’s permission to discuss their complaint.
The OCCS will then contact the optical practice and request further information including the response to the complaint raised, copies of optical records (if necessary) and any other details which the practice consider to be useful or relevant. The OCCS will contact you and confirm when the information from the practice has been received, and the complaint can then proceed into the complaint mediation phase.
The OCCS will then review the information and ensure we have all the information needed for the mediation process to be effective.
At this stage, the OCCS will use mediation techniques to explore areas of agreement and disagreement, and help the parties to understand why the complaint has been made and how it can be resolved.
If an agreement can be reached, then this will be set out in writing for both parties, to confirm what has been agreed and the timeframe.
Senior Mediation Review
If the mediation concludes without a resolution, the complaint can be referred to a Senior Resolution Manager for a review. This review will consider if further mediation may be beneficial and how this may be approached. If a matter is referred to this phase of the process, a Senior Resolution Manager will make contact within 15 working days.